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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) | PossibilIT Integration Solutions


Welcome to our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) section, where you'll find comprehensive answers and insights into the functionalities and features of our Chargebee integration products. Explore below to better understand how our connectors can streamline your billing and CRM processes.

Chargebee2Exact Integration

General information

From Chargebee to Exact: Customers, Invoices, Credit Notes, Plans/Addons/Charges/Coupons and Payments (* scale or higher). From Exact to Chargebee: Payments.

The bidirectional synchronization of payments (offline to Chargebee, online payments to Exact as a control), mapping revenue from item group up to the item price level, coupon level revenue mapping and customisable sync configuration.

Synchronization process

Any product in Chargebee is synced to Exact where it is connected to an item group. The item group but also the item itself can be assigned to a revenue ledger. This is a manual task if you want to connect the item itself.

No, Chargebee2Exact only updates customer information provides a synchronization of the objects and information as stated on page 11, invoice status is managed through Exact’s own matching mechanism.

Yes, the connector honours all VAT configurations and uses financial periods to book (deferred) revenue. Revenue starting in already closed periods can be automatically moved to the current period. Using cost unit and cost centre mapping per country, item group and year. Even credit note deferred revenue is adjusted to match the invoice it credits if required.

Deferred revenue is determined based on the "from" and "to" fields in sales entries, with this determination being made by Exact itself, without any influence from the connector. (However, there is an option to opt out of using deferred revenue altogether through a feature.)

It is not possible to delete and regenerate invoices or credit notes in Chargebee with the same numbers. Only the original invoice or credit note will be synced.

Within Exact, there are two ways to use invoices: invoices generated by Exact (because they are invoiced from Exact) or as sales postings. This is the registration of an invoice. An Exact sales invoice therefore also results in a sales posting where the invoice number is the same.

However, when invoices come from an external system in which the invoice number is also generated, they are only registered as sales postings; otherwise, there would be two invoice numbers.

The connector automatically synchronizes direct debit payments from Chargebee when they are successfully collected by the Payment Service Provider (PSP). This includes reversals, chargebacks, and actual refunds paid out. These payments are considered "in transit" because the collection is complete, but the amount still resides in the PSP's account. PSPs typically transfer these collected funds to the business's bank account on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis. Matching these transfers to invoices is challenging due to the absence of Chargebee invoice numbers on individual bank statement lines.

To address this, the 'Payments in Transit' feature utilizes a fictitious control bank account in Exact to match individual payments, thus removing invoices from the outstanding accounts list. In the case of chargebacks, these payments are removed, reopening the invoice.

However, this feature does not close invoices paid via adjustments or other forms of credit. The reconciliation between what is actually received and the 'in transit' bank account will never fully match the actual bank account. Comparisons must always account for credit notes, adjustments, and invoices that are unpaid or paid much later.


Syncs fail only when the data synced is incorrect. A common reason for sync failures is incorrectly merged customers (resulting in a “new” customer) in Exact, incorrectly formatted VAT numbers in Chargebee that Exact validates more strict, financial periods not available (often when a new year starts). Incorrectly configured mapping of VAT, payment conditions is another, as well incomplete item revenue configuration (where neither the item and the item group have a revenue ledger assigned).

Transactions that occur in closed periods can be automatically shifted by the connector to the current period or the next open period. Synchronizations of transactions, for instance, where the deferred revenue falls so far into the future that the periods have not yet been created, will fail. Create the periods and contact PossibilIT support so that the failed synchronizations can be resubmitted.

Advanced configuration and options

Definitely! However, you will need the Enterprise version of Chargebee2Exact to allow for a maximum of 3 different entities.

Yes. To achieve this, the following are prerequisites: an application registration in your Azure Entra ID.

Yes, based on your needs the connector can be configured to meet a wide range of features that control how your data is synced. When a feature is not available (yet) we are open to add that feature upon request (* depending on how specific the request is charges apply).

Costs and updates

Pricing can be found on this page and is stated per month. Your Chargebee plan usually determines the version you need.

Yes, based on new functionality and customer feedback we regularly update the connector.

Chargeback Correction Feature

This feature removes payments that were previously synchronized as part of the "Virtual / control payment sync" (part of the connector from Scale licenses) when these payments are reversed due to a chargeback in Chargebee. This results in Exact re-opening the associated sales entry as unpaid.

This feature is developed for customers using the control payment sync, specifically for situations where chargebacks occur on previously synchronized payments.

The feature removes the previously made control payment in Exact, but does not work with journal entries.

This feature is particularly interesting for customers who use the control payment sync and encounter chargebacks.

The feature is available from the Scale license. Implementation costs after go-live are €500.

Chargebee2MS Dynamics 365 CRM Integration

Yes. To achieve this, the following are prerequisites: Application registration in Azure Entra ID.

No, we will sync Chargebee customer information to a separate CRM object called ''CB Customer''. The ''CB customer'' will then contain a link to the CRM account.

Yes, based on new functionality and customer feedback we regularly update the connector.

Pricing can be found on page 21 and is stated per month. Your Chargebee plan determines the version you need.

Yes! And you can map CRM ownership by each business entity.  However, you cannot map one Chargebee environment to multiple CRM tenants.

From Chargebee to CRM: Customers, Payment sources, Invoices, Credit notes, Payments, Refunds, Promotional credits, Unbilled Charges, Families, Plans, Add-ons, Charges, Coupons, Prices, Tiers, Features, Product features. From CRM to Chargebee: Accounts, Contacts, Addresses, Quotes.

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